Thursday, July 17, 2008

when i grow up...

cawfey tawlk

in response to all this crazy hubbub about some caffeinated beverage, my local coffee shop wrote on their board the following this morning.

'you can order whatever you want from us on ice. we wont punch you anywhere unless you ask us to.'

yet another reason to like my local coffee shop, and wonder why people get so worked up- too much caffeine? however, i am probably more inclined to visit murky coffee after this, there arent many places like murky or BBC that do a really good job with coffee. its kinda like the soup nazi, if you want the good stuff, you play by their rules. and in this case its totally worth it for some great coffee.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


ive seen these double decker buses cruising through DC for a while. i remember seeing one on K st after coming out of an underpass and wondering how it is those things get under bridges and whatnot without killing or maiming anyone who stands up.

well, my fears have come true. i didnt think signs and warning would be enough. especially on a shuttle to a ball game: you know people are drinking. c'mon, people speed all the time despite prolific signage, and theoretically, they havent been drinking. thats a nasty way to go and my sympathies to the families and witnesses. sad reminder to keep your wits about you.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

data backs my rantings

ive been saying since i moved here that everyone on the road was either incompetent, an asshole, or both. and, that back in Michigan, people can drive and not run into shit, like say, other cars, pedestrians, and large decorative iron gates.

anyhow, now theres data to prove that im not just a whack-job with a web page, but a whack-job with a web page, and an ability to observe certain things with at least a modest modicum of accuracy. Detroit and two nearby communities were cited as being among the safest in the nation. thats as far as car wrecks go.

never mind that i imagine that with the way things have been in the last decade in the Detroit area, perhaps people are not reporting fender benders to Allstate, who collected the data, because either they dont want their rated going up, or they drive hoopties and will just drive it with a smashed fender, trunk that wont open, or doors from junk yards for that two-tone look they seem to love there. never mind any of that, because this data proves what ive been saying all along: im right and listen to what i say.