Tuesday, August 12, 2008

its been a while

my apologies. its been busy at work and not only have i not had time at work to goof around on the internet and espouse my various and sundry view points on the clock, but ive been spent and lacking in motivation to do anything aside from sleep.

that being said, i have continued to have opinions and find things interesting. as my world rounds out from its pear shape i will pick up where i left off.

Bright Eyes
so, over the last couple of weeks i have to give mad props to Conor Oburst for, in large part, preserving my sanity. ive been listening to Cassadaga a lot over the last few weeks and i love it more every time. and as time goes on, different songs stick out as the best. the Breakman immediately stuck me. its a great song and i feel like weve all been there at some point. more recently Classic Cars has been speaking to me. ive heard conflicting tales on who the song is about, but whoever it is has one beautiful song as a trubute. plus, Conor is ever the wordsmith with things like 'never trust a heart so bent it cant break' and 'the sky is torn up denim, and the clouds spattered paint.' that whole song is brilliant.

Benjamin Black/John Banville
one in the same. the first writes crime mysteries and the later writes crime literature. line in the sand. theyre both good. i just finished Christine Falls by Black and ealier in the summer read The Book of Evidence by Banville. i have to say Evidence was better. it was hard to put down. maybe im reacting differently that the rest, youd think the crime mystery would be more of a page turner, but Christine Falls seemed to get lost a bit from time to time. i think it may delve into too much detail and get distracted from the story. dont mistake, i would recomend both books pretty highly, but the Evidence is up there at the top of my list of favorites. it very much reminded me of Camu's The Stranger(thanks HeiDi). Christine Falls is a fine nove and all the while when i was reading it kept thinking it could pretty easily become a movie. now that im on that, so could Evidence, i remember having that thought during that book too.

now im on to The Fools Progress by Edward Abbey who i read a lot in college. im about 50 pages in and loving it. his writing style and view of the world just get me. i may have picked up some of both from his books.

seriously? why did they let him out of jail? Detroit, i love you, but what the fuck are you doing? why does this many have any power left, much less respect? hes a lia-fucking-bility. dump his ass and move on.

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