Wednesday, October 8, 2008

quasi melancholy ruminations

im older than i was last week. not that this is anything unusual, time marches on, but the day passed when i add to the tally another year ive been bumbling around this planet. this birthday passed more or less like any other day. i think its the first year i can remember when i didnt feel a little bit better than everyone else or a little invincible. that birthday feeling.

other than that, it was a pretty unremarkable day.

having a birthday does kind of make you think about your life. im pretty proud of who i am and what i have done thus far in my life. thinking back over the years, i remember when i was turning 20 or something, thinking 'when im 25 or 26 ill have shit figured out.' now i realize thats never going to happen. you just react the best you can to what life throws your way.

i definitely still dont understand women. i realize that this rant has been covered, but i am talking about me, not them. while i do have a greater understanding, i think that the best i can hope for is to understand a woman. i think thats the trick. find a girl i like and try to understand her. if you can anticipate her idiosyncrasies and expectations and whatnot half the time, i think youll come out ahead. now i just need to find such a girl who happens to live somewhere that i can get to in an hour or less and not do it on a plane.

one thing i do know and learned over the last few years, is that youve got to be you and know and love who that is, otherwise, running around trying to find anyone to love you is doomed to fail. then youve got to find someone you can love and who can love you. three simple steps. easier said than done. you know how to find me if youve got someone to nominate.

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