Sunday, May 4, 2008


ive been keeping a 'journal' of sorts for a bit more than a year now. the idea was to capture all the ideas that so fleetingly stream through my head. this is from about a year ago. i like it a lot.

i hate that damned cigarette between her lips
she commits to come back every time she hits
gotta be her longest running relationship
if only i could be an addictive habit.

obviously, it was about a girl i had a crush on with a smoking habit who was also elusive. shes a memory now, but left a lovely little legacy in those four lines. that dashboard crybaby has nothing on me!

a captured moment:

i was walking around the airport in philly on a layover. from the airport, this is not a beautiful city. its almost as if detroit had put the airport on zug island.
anyway, as i cruised through the gloomy outdated halls with low fluorescent lighted ceilings overlooking the runways, planes and heavy industry outside, i see a couple. theyre not old, but they have the benefit of experience. both are relatively fit, with salt and pepper hair. their arms around each other, sauntering through the flickering gloom, unaffected, their love lifts them above the crap.
id like that. perhaps i idealize and oversimplify things, but id like to live with that love.

just a couple exerpts from my scribblings over the last year or so. two that i like a lot. you may not. feedback/comments are welcome.

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